I gonna autistically rant about TMNT

I’m a fan of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (TMNT) since I was a kid. I started by watching the reruns of some episodes of the 87 cartoons and later I started playing the sega genesis game called “TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist”. I played other games later using emulators, but I’ll talk about that another day.

I also watched a live-action series called “Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation”! Looking back, that series was pretty fucking shitty, but back then I kind loved. I remember that in this series they introduced a 5th ninja turtle with mystical powers and a vagina. They named her Venus de Milo, but I never understand one thing about her… was Venus their sister or just another turtle? I dont remember a lot of things about that show, but I remember that all the four turtles wants to fuck her, but she used to be in the same pet jar when they got mutated but she got washed away, so the fact that they all are flirting with someone that could be their sister gave me some weird vibes. I think that in that show, the turtles arent brothers, so this could excuse the turtles wanting to fuck the female turtle that could be their sister. I dont know, I never liked venus. She was the typical mary-sue that is perfect in everything, while the boys got downgrade to room temperature IQ, but I guess she has some fans.

They also had a crossover with the Power Ranger in Space, with was fine I guess. I still think that Batman and TMNT was the best crossover featuring the turtles, tbh.

The 2003 TMNT cartoon was my favorite, it had a more serious tone than the 87 cartoon. It was also a bit more faithful to the comics, while also being their own thing. I didnt liked the twisted that Shredder was a Ultrom inside of a exo-suit (a cybernetic suit thing that he uses to pretented to be a human samurai and for combat). In the cartoon they build a mystery about shredder always coming back from his death. I remember speculating that Shredder could be Immortal either by magic or some comic book type science, but when I learned that shredder was just a super suit being operated by a alien living brain I felt so disappointed. Yeah, this is still my favorite TMNT show, but I still think that alien shredder was a retard idea (He was still a pretty good villain, regardless).

Now, its time to talk about the 2012 TMNT show! When the show was first announced, I didn’t got very excited about it. At first, I didnt liked that the show would be in 3D, but honestly this was the least of the show problems. My main problem with this show is Donatello, they turned him in a fucking simp. For some odd reason, they thought it would be a good idea in make donatello have a crush/obsession with April O’Neil. Not only its fucking weird for a fucking anthropomorphic turle wanting to fuck a filthy female human, they also made his entire personality in being a fucking simp. There’s nothing remotely interesting going on with donatello in this show, his only goal in life is to bone April. Leonardo also wants to fuck a female human (karai), but at least he is not a fucking simp. The only problem is that later in the story, its was revealed that karai was the biological daughter of splinter, before he got mutated. Yeah, the 2012 show its was one of those versions where splinter was a human turned into a anthropomorphic rat, instead of rat turned into a anthropomorphic rat. So, the fact that leo wants to bang karai in this show, not only is furrybait but also incestbait/what you are doing step-bro bait.

Also, since we are talking about tmnt 2012, can we talk about how ugly they made wingnut in this show?

Jesus christ, killed with fire!

But you know what? This fucking abomination its better than what they did with Hun. The character hun was first introduced in the 2003 TMNT show. While he was a human with no special abilities, Hun was extremaly tall and muscular, and even pretty agile for a man of his build. He was also an expert in martial arts and weapons and he was very inteligent.

Look at this fucking chad!

Now let’s take a look in the TMNT 2012 version of Hun.


They turned him in a Bruce Lee rip-off.

Oh boy! This is getting too long for my low attention spans readers. I think that I’ll talk more about TMNT in part 2… or maybe not, fuck you!

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